About Us

About Kalena

My name is Kalena Parker, and I'm so excited you're here! I've been muscle testing and releasing trapped emotions for over three years now, but recently I completed my Emotion Code certification so that I can help more people, like you! I believe that the emotion code is a God-given gift that is useful for everyone. I've witnessed the amazing effects of emotion code from decreasing physical dis-ease to increasing feelings of joy and peace. I've seen it mend broken hearts, eliminate pain, and strengthen previously broken relationships. I love what I do and I look forward to working with you. 


About April

 My name is April Parker. I love to learn, and I’m so grateful to have learned about the Emotion Code! I’ve been a PA in Family Practice and Urgent Care off and on since 1999. Besides sewing up cuts and pulling fish hooks out of people, my favorite thing to do is to influence people in a way that will change their lives for the better! So many times a patient comes in for a cold or a sprain, and when they leave I’m grateful I got to be an instrument in His Hands to help them with something so much greater. The Lord works in mysterious ways! Enter Emotion Code. I found energy healing in 2001 and have loved it ever since. Then my youngest sister found Emotion Code a few years ago and kept telling me I needed to do it. I brushed her off, “I homeschool my 5 children, I’m married to my best friend, I’m very active in church, and work full time. Who has time for more?!” But last summer when we were visiting together, I was doing dishes and my recurrent low back pain was creeping up from a 6 to a 7/10. I’d hurt it 5 months prior and had tried PT, chiropractic, yoga, and everything else I knew without success. She noticed I was in pain and said “Oh! Let me work on you!” 3 minutes later I was laughing... ”Jenni! What did you do?!” My pain was gone! From that point on, I was sold… which brings me to you! I pray I may be allowed to be an instrument in aiding you in your personal journey of healing. God Bless!
